Energizing Business Logo

Our Approach is Simple and Unique

Energizing, listening, and focusing on operations.


This only works when there is a shared vision we all agree on, knowing that every interaction with the business can be directly tied to this vision. True Business Analysis connects processes, systems, and people in such a way that everyone walks away knowing they did something valuable. This brings happier employees, more willing customers, and a more satisfied you.


Most business consultants will take your watch and charge you to tell you the time. We take the time to get to know you and the specific issues faced by your unique business. We have found it more time- and cost-effective for everyone if we listen first. After listening, we work together with tested Business Analysis strategies to create a custom plan that you can walk through on your own, or with coaching.


Many of the offers to help small businesses focus on forcing you into paid marketing and trying to put your business into a box. We focus entirely on the operations of your business, building  operational marketing that makes you attractive, coaching you through cash flow management, streamlining operations, and helping solve operational problems. If your product or service won’t sell without paid marketing, it won’t sell profitably with it.

Yeah, we’re a little different, but that’s ok with us.

We prefer to consider you the experts in your own business. We just happen to be good at bringing the best out in businesses. We make every effort to make  YOU the hero of the story. Our process is built around people-centric Business Analysis, and building you up for more effective operations, decision-making, and cash flow management.

Kid in superhero cape

Ok, so here is what we do

We work with small business owners who are motivated to make positive change. To ensure we are a good fit for you, we have an application process that includes an initial meeting. If we move forward, what you paid is applied as a credit toward your next bill.

Our goal is to energize your business. Below are a few ways we can help you.



For businesses not yet in operation.

  • Vision Creation
  • Process Design
  • Inventory Strategy
  • Cash Flow Strategy
  • System and Resource Plan
  • Metric Development



For businesses already in operation

  • Vision Clarification
  • Process Analysis
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • System and Resource Analysis
  • Metric Analysis



Ongoing support for energizing businesses

  • Regular Calls or Meetings
  • Operations Guidance
  • Business Analysis
  • Energizing Business Framework
  • Customized to Your Needs
  • Process Improvement
  • Financial Coaching

Energizing words from the founder

“Many people got into business ownership because they had a certain passion. However, as time goes on, less and less of their time is spent on actually focusing on their passion. They are bogged down with everything in between. I love to take that original heartbeat and help business owners build that heartbeat into the very structure of their business, streamlining operations, and creating a place that energizes them, their employees, and their customers.”

Nate Schultz, CCBA, CPIM – Founder and Principal Consultant

My name is Nate Schultz, and I love solving problems. In addition to my career as a Business Analyst, I also have a Degree in Mathemetics, and am Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM). Previous roles include Supply Chain Planning Manager, S&OP Analyst, Supply Chain Analyst, and Jr. High Math Teacher. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my wife and three kids, running 5K’s, playing music, and reading.